Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Second Value of Free Expression

To me, participation in self-governance is the most important value of free expression.  Of the eight values, the second is the only one, at least in my opinion, that has worked best in practice.  Ideas such as individual self-fulfillment and and a promotion of innovation do not look as plausible, since there is no absolute way for everyone to fulfill their goals and there is seemingly little left to innovate.  As for popular theories, like the marketplace of ideas and promotion of tolerance, can be construed differently from its intended use and fall down a rabbit hole filled with people who do not understand what they truly represent.  Both in theory and practice, the idea of participating in self-governance is the best way of promoting an open society that truly understands what its talking about. 

By being a citizen, everyone effectively has the right to participate in governance.  Even non-citizens have power to take part in how the nation is shaped, though their role is far more limited than that of an actual citizen.  People who are born in the United States or successfully apply for citizenship are granted powers such as the right to vote and the ability to run for office.  Even with seemingly limited power, non-citizens can still do things such as become informed of politicians and candidates, as well as attend meetings for various causes and demonstrate in protests.  While these can still be effective, the power of a citizen is still more impactful, as not only are they the ones who are able to vote, but can also be selected to be a juror as well as serve in the military.  

The ability to participate in self-governance was an idea that the founders sought to include.  After being ruled as a colony by a king, they established a set of laws that enabled the public to select who they want to govern them.  Of course, the right to self-govern is also a choice, which many people opt not to do.  While they shouldn't necessarily be forced into the process, non-political people should still be encouraged to take part in elections and keeping up with politics.  Out of all our varying interests and hobbies, politics is the one thing that affects all of us whether we recognize it or not.  If we have the power to vote, campaign for or donate to candidates, and even sign petitions to support causes we believe in, then we should use these abilities to the best of our power.  With the right to self-governance being one of the oldest and most proven successes of free expression, it is something that everyone should look in to not just continuing, but preserving for the rest of time.  

Town Halls are one of the most popular forms of self-governance and is one of the most easily accessible ways for citizens (and non-citizens) to participate

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